March 11, 2013

What is The Difference between Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout?

Often people talk about diseases associated with joint pain as the arthritis. Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint +-itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. 1 While joint inflammation describes a symptom or sign rather than a specific diagnosis, the term “arthritis” is usually accustomed to talk about almost any condition which influences the joints. These disorders fall inside larger category of rheumatic diseases. The diseases seen as a inflammation (signs include redness or heat, swelling, and symptoms such as pain) as well as loss of function of just one or maybe more connecting or supporting structures of the body. These kinds of diseases especially affect joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Common signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, and stiffness. Some rheumatic diseases can also involve internal organs. Rheumatoid diseases most commonly found such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoidarthritis and Gout.

Osteoarthritis is known by many as “wear and tear” Arthritis.  It is one of the most common forms of Arthritis and is the result of cartilage wearing away from the joints.  This cartilage is responsible for the smooth gliding of joints, and once it begins to deteriorate, the patient is left with pain, joint swelling and inflammation, and even deformity.
Osteoarthritis patients usually state that their pain is greatest during times of movement, and then lessens significantly during periods of rest.  Osteoarthritis affects many more women than men.  

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder in which the body's own immune system starts to attack body tissues. The attack is not only directed at the joint but to many other parts of the body. In rheumatoid arthritis, most damage occurs to the joint lining and cartilage which eventually results in erosion of two opposing bones. Rheumatoid arthritis often affects joints in the fingers, wrists, knees and elbows. The disease is symmetrical (appears on both sides of the body) and can lead to severe deformity in a few years if not treated. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs mostly in people aged 20 and above. 2

Gout is the ‘kings’ disease’ as it affects the affluent. It is a type of arthritis that affects the toe, knee and other joints. The kidneys lose their ability to flush out the excess amounts of uric acid, partially. This uric acid crystallizes and lodges in the joints, thus causing joint pain. This joint gets hot, swollen and tender. This pain usually starts in the middle of the night and can last for hours and days at a stretch.



  1. ^ > arthritis in turn citing:
    • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000
    • The American Heritage Science Dictionary Copyright 2005

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